Monday 15 September 2014

Making a Tank Game: Part 4: Piecing together, Applying Texture, Preparing for Unity Engine

I've added the textures onto the tank, this is the final (hopefully) appearance it will make (we might add camo and logos later on). It was fun to make, after baking the ambient occlusion and normal maps i decided to duplicate come of the crates around the tank to add details, also the ladder rungs you see on the side of the turret is the same object as the cage holding the crates on the side and the handles on the jerry cans, i've just added edge loops then tweaked them. The tank treads animate along a nurbs curve in Maya, they were made from the one tread piece (i baked some geometry onto a simple prism shape), i duplicated them then added a bend deformer to get them to circle around. then i added a wire tool which was a circle shaped nurbs curve, moved some vertices of that nurbs curve untill i got the shape of the treads.

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